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Dundee Chief Officer Groups and Public Protection Committees are committed to continuous learning and improvement through a variety of means.

An important aspect of continuous learning is the undertaking of Significant Case Reviews. To support this, the COG and Public Protection Committees have an established Significant Case Review Protocol. This protocol, implemented through joint working between multi-agency partners, supports the identification of cases where there may be opportunities for learning, consideration of these cases and commissioning reviews where appropriate. Findings from Significant Case Reviews are reported to the relevant Public Protection Committees for discussion and response, who then report to Chief Officers.

In the context of public protection, a Significant Case Review is a multi-agency process for appraising practice and learning lessons from a situation where a person has died or been significantly harmed. Significant Case Reviews should be seen in the context of a culture of continuous improvement and should focus on learning and reflection on day-to-day practices, and the systems within which those practices operate.

In publishing SCRs, multi-agency partners must strike a balance between transparency and the rights of the individuals involved, complying with relevant legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998. While in some circumstances it will be possible to publish the full report, for the reasons outlined above it may be necessary in others to publish an executive summary of the review report. Our approach to dissemination and publication of SCR reports is explained fully in section 9 of our Significant Case Review Protocol.

Please note that SCRs are only available on this page for one year after publication. If you would like to receive a copy of archived published SCR summary reports please send your request to

Published SCR Reports

Archived SCR Reports

  • Significant Case Review Family z. (Published 2nd September 2019)
  • Significant Case Review: Brandon Lee Muir (published 2009)
  • Significant Case Review Relative to the Management of Person X, Executive Summary (published 1st May 2019)
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